Monday, December 13, 2010

Huck Finn XV-XX

The river is society and the fog is something blinding or sepperating them. It's better when they're together, like when they're on the island.

Huck realizes that Jim has feelings. He begins to think of him as an actual person. Not just a person, but a friend.

b) He has to steal/buy his own family. Family is something that should't be taken away in the first place
c) What is the difference in doing what's right or wrong when the end result is the same thing?
d) They think they may have missed the Cairo Cut-Off


Society destroys nature. Racism is taught, it's not just something natural that happens.

He was on writer's block



He didn't catch on to the riddle. Huch is a realist, and this is where we see that Huck symbolizes Moses

10.The hogs go to church even when they don't need to. People only go on Sundays when they have to.

He says the feud will be over when everybody has died

They feel comfertable on the raft and uncomfertable on land

Clothes represent the society

He feels it may be better to stay out of trouble. He learned to stay out of this kind of trouble from growing up around Pap.

Huck is fake with them

Another scene where Mark Twain makes fun of romanticism

This is the gullibility of rich people

People as a whole are very gullible

Huck Finn 1-4

She is a good woman who takes Huck in and civilizes him. When with her, he has to dress nice, go to church and school, and be on time for dinner, and not smoke his pipe. Huck doesn't care about Moses because he has been dead for a long time and he, "don't take no stock in dead people."

Superstition is here with Pap's footprint, trying to keep away the spirits. And on page 4 where he ties up a lock of his hair to keep the witches away. Then Huck and Tom play a trick on Jim and he thinks a ghost did it.

Huck would like to go to hell just for the change of scenery. He doesn't see the point in trying to get to heaven and says he won't bother to try at it.

It was childish. They moved his hat and made him and the whole town think a ghost did it.

He was ruined because he has a sort of superiority to him now; he was acted upon by a ghost/spirit.

Huck wouldnt've left it because he takes what he wants when he wants it. That's that.

Tom is a romance character, and he symbolizes the society. Huck is a realist and he symbolizes the opposing force of the society.

becase he knows his father is coming back and will try to take the money away from him.

Huck Finn Chapter the last

He really is a good person. He puts others before himself, ie. he risks his freedom to save Tom.

It gets people to see the good side of Jim

He makes a necklace out of it. That's what any romantic hero would do.

He got adopted by Aunt Sally, but he is going to run away again. He doesn't like the society. It doesn't make sense to him.

If somebody other than Huck Finn narrated this story, the whole look of the book would changed depending on who tells it. Huck is a realist and says what he feels without thinking about it. He is also a good person. If we had a bad person tell the story i'm sure thoughts of what should've happend would be said.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Huck Discussion Questions: XXI-XXIII


He knows they're frauds. He chooses just to stay out of trouble and not do what they're doing.

He satirizes honor

People would rather see the comedy's possible violence or crudeness over a boring play

He doesn't understand that it is part of the act.

He implies that humans are very gullible as a whole


Jim yells at her, not knowing she's deaf, and she cannot understand he wants her to shut the door so he strikes her. This changes Huck's veiw of Jim

Huck lives with an actual mother. He has to dress nice, go to church and school, and he cannot smoke. He likes the idea of joining Tom Sawyer's gang, but later decides they are too fake for him. His dad comes back and he sells his fortune to the Judge so that he couldn't get it. Pa causes a lot of trouble in town and ends up taking Huck away to a cabin. Huck, then, doesn't have the same rules as with the Widdow Douglas. He is free, but Pa beats him and gets drunk too often, so he fakes his death and floats down the river to Jackson's Island. He meets up with Jim, finds out he ran away so he woulnd't get sold, and he decides he'd help him. Then he meets up with the Duke and the King and they are con men. They stick with Huck for a while. Huck is in a predicament, he must actually steal Jim, or turn him in. Huck belieces he is going to hell. He believes he is a really bad person, but in reality, he is a good person. He just doesn't fit in with the society. In this society, what he is doing is stealing another person's own property. That doesn't sound right to do, but when that property is a human being that Huck now has a connection/bond with, it is the right thing to do. He accepts this and beleives he is a bad person and there's nothing he could do about it.