Tuesday, April 26, 2011

G.O.W. Chapter 16

People vs. Moloch, Strength of Women, Importance of family

Joad Family, Wilson Family, Casey, One eyed man, Camp owner

The Joads and Wilsons finally reach California. Connie and Rose of Sharon discuss there plans for California, Connie plans to take night classes and work during the day and they want to buy a house for themselves but Ma, who is big on sticking together as an entire family, doesn't like this idea. The Wilsons car breaks down again and tom and casey offer to stay behind and get it fixed and then meet up with the family and the men of the family agree but Ma would not allow it at all. She does not want to break up the family at all. So the family and the extended family wait behind as Tom and Al go into town to buy some parts. They arrive at a car lot where they meet a very unhappy one eyed man. He doesn't wear a patch or anything he just leaves his empty eye socket out in the open for everyone to see. They begin talking to the man about moving to California and he seems to be very sad and has given up on life in a way, tom tells him to buck up and cover his eye and go make something of his life. But the man continues to whine about his terrible life. The boys arrive back at the camp that night after getting the car fixed a lot faster then they expected. The owner of the campy tells them that they have to pay for the extra car even though the rest of there family already paid. They start conversing about there voyage to California and another man tells them that there isn't as much work as they think and then tells them that his wife and children starved to death because they went to California and couldn't find work so he couldn't feed his family.

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